If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, submit a call back request and our team will contact you as soon as possible or call us on 020 7499 6424 or email us at [email protected]
Decumulation: tailored for your client’s needs
Your clients should be able to enjoy the money they’ve saved when it comes to retirement or life events. This means they may need a regular income for school fees, long-term care or investing the proceeds after the sale of a business.
But to do so, your clients will need an effective decumulation strategy that can deliver income now and in the years to come.
That’s where Brooks Macdonald comes in.
Two portfolios can be better than one
At Brooks Macdonald, we combine over 30 years of experience with a personal investing approach.
We’ll manage your clients’ money considering different investing risks, including inflation, longevity, and sequencing risk, all which can impact your client’s income in different ways. we offer a unique retirement income solution that provides security and stability. Our Bespoke Decumulation Portfolio Service consists of a portfolio divided into short-term and longer-term components, ensuring a tailored income stream for your clients.
The result aims to give your clients the financial freedom they are looking for.
Our Decumulation Service is tailored to the needs of your client. Once we’re clear on their objectives, we’ll formulate a plan for:
Our short-term portfolio aims to produce an income while reducing sequencing risk and shielding the client from downturns in the early years of drawdown (7 years).
Our long-term portfolio aims to provide growth and combat inflation by investing in a diversified multi-asset portfolio, aligned with the client's highest acceptable risk mandate, that will provide income in the future.
Our experts are always ready to provide counsel and advice, so you’re up to speed with our strategy.
The benefits of bespoke
Everyone is different – that’s why our decumulation service is tailored specifically to each individual client. By calibrating risk according to your client’s circumstances, we aim to maximise returns.
Our bespoke decumulation solution is designed for complex retirement needs. Knowing that your client has seven years of income already mapped out removes the concerns about market movements. This reassurance can help you feel confident in the solution’s ability to meet your clients’ needs. Our decumulation service can also help to reduce worries about ongoing client suitability. All we will need is to know about any changes in income to align the investment solution to the client’s needs.
Read our guide to decumulation
Read our guide to decumulation
For more information on our Bespoke Decumulation Service and whether it could be suitable for your clients, please download our adviser guide.

The Brooks Macdonald difference
At Brooks Macdonald, our comprehensive suite of multi-asset client solutions has provided clients with a successful approach over the years. This can deliver your clients suitable risk-adjusted returns in line with their needs while rewarding them long into the future.
How can I access the service?
How can I access the service?
Through our ‘Bespoke Portfolio Service’ – which is aligned with cash flow planning systems, backed up with regular reporting.
Who could benefit from our decumulation service?
Who could benefit from our decumulation service?
Clients with a minimum investment of £500,000 who are either withdrawing income from their portfolio or plan to do so within seven years.
Why seven years for the short-term portfolio?
Why seven years for the short-term portfolio?
Our research suggests seven years is enough time to recoup any losses caused by sequencing risk.
We assess the client’s income requirements for the next seven years and match these liabilities as and when they become due with assets that have similar durations. Through our extensive knowledge of the structured product market and intensive due diligence, we have devised a ‘bucket solution’ that allows us to meet these income requirements in an efficient and cost effective manner.
Our insights
Where to start
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If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, submit a call back request, and our team will contact you as soon as possible.
Get in touch
Call us on 020 7499 6424 or email us at [email protected]