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Where we identify ESG issues that could affect the long-term value of an investment, we will seek to engage with the company in question. Areas where we may intervene include, 
but are not limited to, situations where we have concerns about a company’s strategy, performance, governance, remuneration, environmental practices, or social impact. 
The focus of any engagement is to reduce risk and/or improve investment performance.

What we do

Our engagement can take many forms, including management meetings, written correspondence and discussions on voting issues. Our ability to engage with companies can be limited, as the proportion of shares we hold in companies is generally lower than that of larger asset managers. With this in mind, we take a risk-based approach to engagement activity, considering the magnitude of risk and size of holding.

Engagement activities can be resource-intensive and under certain circumstances it may be appropriate to sell investments that have material adverse ESG issues, rather than engaging with the company in question. We set objectives for our engagement activities and track progress relative to these, on an ongoing basis if necessary.

We expect our third-party fund managers to establish and apply their own voting and engagement policies. As part of our due diligence process, we assess companies’ compliance with the UK Stewardship Code (where applicable), including their records regarding engagement, voting and the transparency of their stewardship activities. Where we identify that a third-party fund manager’s stewardship or ESG integration approach is not meeting the standards, we will either engage with them to try and improve their approach or divest from the fund.

Responsible Investment Policy

We review company information, including the financial statements and the research conducted by our proxy-voting service provider. We also meet with companies that we are significantly invested in to improve our understanding of their business, their strategy and their commitment and approach to ESG values.

The desired outcome of this thorough monitoring activity is to reduce our risk, improve investment performance and ensure our clients' best interests are maintained.

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Request a consultation

If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, submit a callback request, and our team will contact you as soon as possible.

Get in touch

Call us on 020 7499 6424 or email us at [email protected]