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We are proud to partner with several organisations who not only build a more balanced and fair industry but also help to encourage and support diversity at Brooks Macdonald.

Women in Finance Charter

We are proud signatories to this commitment by HM Treasury to work together to build a more balanced and fair industry.

In September 2018, Brooks Macdonald signed up to the Women in Finance Charter. At that time, we had 23% female representation in senior roles, and in 2021 we set a revised target of 30% to be achieved by 2024. As of May 2024, 39% of senior roles were occupied by women and 41% of the total workforce was female. Nevertheless, this success does not stop our ambitions to build on this target and we continue to focus on increasing our gender balance at all levels.

We are committed to the advancement of women within financial services. We are ambitious and passionate about creating a diverse and equitable workplace at Brooks Macdonald which is Inclusive by Design.


Woman in finance charter logo

LGBT Great

We are proud to be a member of LGBT Great since 2019, showcasing our dedication to fostering inclusion and a sense of belonging for everyone. LGBT Great supports organisations in becoming genuinely inclusive, as the prosperity of your people leads to collective success.


LGBTGreat logo

Menopause Friendly UK

We are dedicated to creating an inclusive and supportive workplace for those experiencing menopause and are proud to have committed to being a menopause-friendly employer. We are also actively working towards achieving The Menopause Friendly Accreditation which supports menopause in the workplace across five key pillars:

  • Culture
  • Policies and Practices
  • Training
  • Engagement
  • Working Environment


Menopause friendly UK logo