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FY24 half year results

I am pleased to report that demand for our products and services remains strong across our Group with £1.2 billion of gross inflows during the period.

Andrew Shepherd, CEO

Andrew Shepherd Headshot


H1 FY24 report and accounts

H1 FY24 results presentation

H1 FY24 results presentation video

Financial highlights

Funds under management (“FUM”) (£bn)
FUM-FY24 graph
Underlying profit margin before tax1 (%)
profit margin before tax graph


1 The underlying figures represent the results for the Group’s continuing activities excluding underlying adjustments. These represent an alternative performance measure for the Group.

Revenue (£m)


revenue graph
Underlying1 basic earnings per share (p)
basic earnings per share graph
Underlying profit before tax1 (£m)
profit before tax graph
Interim dividend per share (p)


total dividend per share h1 fy24 graph